Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Joni, an oil sketch

oil on taped linen, 24 x 32cm
Singer, voice actor and good friend, Joni passed thru town from Vancouver. I took the opportunity to christen my stealth oils kit after we all ate too much delicious carrot cake at Good Honest Grub in Hakajuku. The stealth kit worked a treat, though I might need to make it even more stealthier by working smaller if I were somewhere where the people running the place didn't know me.

The life painting classes and all the painting I've been doing latley must be starting to pay off - it's a long held dream of mine starting to come true, I've always wanted to be able to do oil sketches like this - done casually, loosely and quickly (took maybe around an hour or so), capturing the likeness and essense of the person. Working in darker lighting also helps find the values easier, though the colors aren't always what I'd expect once it's under proper lighting. But that can make for some interesting surprises.


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